Business Planning & Strategy

Automate your data

Whether your business is starting out, expanding, or consolidating, having the right solutions in place to support your changing environment is essential. As we use the best in cloud accounting software, our solutions are fully automated, integrated, streamlined, and efficient, keeping costs to a minimum.

Business Systems
Cashflow Management
Business Planning
Business Planning & Strategy

KBAS Bookkeeping - Determining your business potential

We are dedicated to empowering businesses with the confidence to develop and secure their competitive advantage. Whether you are experiencing good times or needing help during the bad times, KBAS Bookkeeping can manage your financial situation. Our solutions are simple to implement and effective from step one. From business planning and strategy to data management solutions, we look to develop the structure for you to gain more strategic insights into your business performance so you can foresee what is coming. These solutions include:
Our client interests are our priority, which is why we help implement the best decisions for your business and its future.

KBAS Bookkeeping partners with you to take your business to the next level.

To find out how we can support you for success.

Business Systems

The business system is how you currently work through flows to achieve the processes in your business, be they manual or software.

The better the flow of your processes the more systemised they become making you more efficient and improving your financial results. As the business develops and the environment around you changes, you too need to keep improving. It maybe the software you started out with has not kept pace with times or you have simply outgrown it. Maybe the staff team does not have the right mix of skills or your direction has changed to meet the changing circumstances we find ourselves in.

Implementing harmonious systems establishes a realm of positive effects, It minimises wasted time, increasing efficiency, productivity and effectiveness. It also reduces the impact of staff turnover, as the processes will drive the system rather than being dependant on an individual’s knowledge. Sound business systems produce benchmarks of business performance that are easily accessed.

Cashflow Management

Cash is King.
Do you lose sleep worrying about having enough money for wages or BAS payments? Are you always wondering where your profits went? It’s no secret that failure rates among Australian small business is over 50% in the first 5 years of trading. Many of these failed businesses are profitable but fail due to poor cashflow.

We can assist with strategies to improve cashflow and budgeting for the larger superannuation and BAS payments.

Business Planning & Goal Setting

We all had a reason for starting our businesses, sometimes this gets lost in the day to day.
Effective business planning is key to your success & can define the direction of your business. Running a business without a business plan is like driving blind.

Do you have a business plan? Most businesses do not. Let’s start with a goal. What do you want to achieve in your business by this time next year? It may be a family holiday, increased turnover, staff retention or even an improved bottom line. Just knowing the answer to this question can be all we need to make sure we have a plan and monitor what is happening in your business to achieve that goal. Business is continually changing and the choices you make determine the outcomes for your business. Make sure that you are recording your data in a way that enables you to monitor what is happening so that you can make informed choices in your business to achieve your goals.

Relationship Management

With KBAS Bookkeeping as part of your support team we will collaborate with you and your accountant to proactively manage your business as a cohesive team. This co-operation allows us to assist you in minimising business risk, improving performance and driving efficiency to help your reach your goals.

As registered BAS Agents we will be the first contact from the Australian Taxation Office and can manage this compliance on your behalf, be it a simple query or an audit.

Our Testimonials

Karen is fantastic! Lovely to deal with and knows all the ins + outs of bookkeeping with Xero and other accounting platforms. Highly recommend.
Gemma Smallfield
Karen and her team are fantastic! Karen was a life saver when we first brought Gillett in 2016. Her knowledge and training helped us with setting up Xero with our management system. Gillett's would highly recommend Karen & her team. Thanks so much for all you help
Katrina Duck
The KBAS Team are so professional and knowledgable with an extensive range of offerings for their clients. They will answer any questions you have and make sure you are on the right path! Thank you so much for your help KBAS Team!
Sacha Palmer

KBAS Bookkeeping partners with you to take your business to the next level.

To find out how we can support you for success. Contact Us Today!
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