Are you up to date with the latest payroll changes to the Retail Award?
Changes to the Retail Award for casual staff take effect from tomorrow 1st November. In short, employers will have to pay casual staff more on Saturdays and also on weekdays (Monday to Friday) after 6pm.
To see the changes to the pay rates look for the payguide from FairWork. In more detail, Casual retail employees will be entitled to an additional 15% pay for all work performed on a Saturday, bringing their total loading to 135% of the base award rate.
Casuals must also be paid an additional 5% for all work performed after 6pm on weekdays (Monday to Friday). By 2020, casual workers will be entitled to a 25% Saturday penalty rate on top of their withstanding 25% casual loading, bringing their total pay to 150% of the base award rate. Casuals will also be entitled to an extra 15% loading for all work performed after 6pm on weekdays (Monday to Friday).
Of course we are assuming that there will be no more adhoc adjustments between now and then, which considering our current turnover of Prime Ministers you would have to say its more than likely so don’t plan around what is said to be forthcoming.
Need some help? Contact KBAS Bookkeeping on 5408 7400 or pop into to our bookkeeping office in Caloundra CBD